Monthly Archives: January 2023

December– Server Updates

-Enchanter AA Doppleganger is now working.
-Magician AA Companion of Necessity is now working.
-Warrior AA Wars Sheols Heroic Blade dropped to level 85
-Updated to latest Binaries
- is now live!
-Bot Archery setting will now stick on the bot when they are kill and resummoned.
-Beastlords AA – Playing Possum lower to level 17 with a cost of zero. They will have an upgrade to the line at level 85 as well
-Beastlords pet spells Spirit Of line (add pet proc/dex) increased dex buff by 25 and Rate mod by +50% (total 200%)
-Beastlord Paragon of Spirit had some of the AA rank levels lowered
-2 hand bash AA will be available with zero cost at level 25
-Rogue 85 disc to backstab had its damage amped
-Ranger AA bow mastery AA ranks increased and some lowered lvl ranks
-Bots in the guildlobby will no longer turn invisible to you. They will simply be invis to other players. This will solve trade issues with them as well as gender modification issues (sorry woke folks).
-Karana’s Aggressive Stimulant, is more…. aggressive
-New Instancer in the Crypt of Shade. The instance will close after 3 hours if used. Should help when farming the zone. The Friendly Ghost is at zone entry.
-85 Necro pet HP boosted + NPC spells granted.
-85 Water/Earth/Fire Pet spell attacks boosted.
-Updated Binaries. Bug fix: You can now trade with bots in illusion form.
-New tasks added to Huntmaster
-85 Necro Swarm Pets spell working.
-Some more random drop items have been added to T2 Shade based on feedback. Thank You
-T3 Guka will also have additional drops… it’s only about 50% complete for a status update.
–T3 update: 85% complete. Switching to itemizing.
-Fixed several Shade items with the wrong icon image.
-Added new coins for T3
-Quellious Hand (T3) now has more to offer and items will be populated over the next few weeks
-Quellious Hand offers a task for T3
-GUKA Old Soul will now sense if Mutrus is spawned and offer you a quicker way to get back in the fight.
-Pali 3.0 now has the 2.0 focus effect and a Stun (vs Heal) Proc
-Your pets/bots should no longer shout they have an “extra item” due to our global loot drop script.. been a non-impact bug I’ve been meaning to get to.
-New Instancer in the GUKA [T3]
-Added ~24k new items to our items DB
-Updated our DB to the latest PEQ release. This added 24k new items, new spawns, and zones available for all.
–This take took about 3 days to complete and was super taxing but im glad to have done it. We’re not missing anything the project team hasn’t put in including new tasks,spawns,doors,items,npc spells, spells, emotes, pet items,lootdrops!, etc etc.
-Ill be updating respawn timers to ensure the new mobs are no longer than 20min!
-Newly added spawns are longer than 20min.
-Newly added zones that gave 0 xp will now grant xp on kill.
-Newly added Items have had their No Drop flag removed. Happy trading.
-Wiz 3.0 Ethereal incineration rk3 changed to Click Effect vs Focus
-Tiggly Wiggly and Mr. Reagent will have cleaner inventories. You’ll be able to sell for cash but the items won’t go back for sale 🙂
-Chanter: Runic Shimmer / Arcane Disjunction fixed.
-All Veteran AA’s have been granted – We’re all Veteran’s at this point right?
-T3 Slot 5 is now 7 type on all “Quellious” Items
-T1 Pal Sleeves have been added
-New task items added to Huntmaster
-Halas Medium and Hard Expeditions will now grant their own tokens for exchange at the commander for added point totals.
-Made updates to global scale database for dynamic scaling of zones.. effects 86+ zones, typically ones that mobs had little to no data so they’d hit for 11hp etc
-Added some additional non-visual items to the T1 vendor (pending reboot)
-Added some catch up non visuals in Shade
-Updated to latest Binaries
-Update to T1 turn-in to accept Hard tokens (my bad)